Ladder bracelet instructions
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Dec 13, 2013 - Learn how to make a Rainbow Loom Ladder bracelet in this video! Happy Loom-Ness Day! One Rainbow Loom tutorial every Wednesday in December! Making more than a single wrap? For each additional wrap around your wrist, you'll need to add 15 inches of cord and 7-8 feet of thread. Bracelet sizes areLearn how to make a ladder bracelet with this tutorial at We also have many other rainbow loom band designs on our site. Rainbow Loom Ladder Bracelet · Step 1: Get You Supplies · Step 2: Outline the Left Side · Step 3: Then Do the Right · Step 4: Once Your Done Skip a Peg and Place a The Ladder Bracelet is a project which requires just a small amount of time Rainbow Loom Ladder Bracelet - step-by-step instructions (fink - Autumn 2014.
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